Aloha-ha-ha!  Welcome to my humble abode on the web, my little corner of cyber space. I made this page to prove three things to myself: (a) that making a page is NOT impossible, no matter how many times I'd have to bang my head against the relentless web-hosts' wall, (b) that all that time I spent on the comp was NOT wasted, and (c) that I can be an entertaining web-hostess if I wanted to. There. That was neat; if I do say so myself! *grins* Now, I KNOW that wallpaper sites are the scum of the net, but since this is an experiment and (hopefully) the first of my other future web-sites, I think it should do in that respect, right?...

Well then, allow me to guide you around a bit...there are pages on different sets of characters, containing their exclusive walls (like, DUH, what else were you expecting anyway?) and you are free to take them all...provided they're for personal use (dimensions are for 800 x 600 pixels). You'll have to tell me about it if you want to put them up as backgrounds for your sites and pages, 'kay?...*sheepish smile* I'd like to be given credit too, so...use my heading up there for a banner (really pushing my luck, aren't I? Hehehehehe!) and there we have it! Any more questions? Comments? Homicidal threats? *sweatdrop* Drop me a line at then! (needless to say, I'm open for useless/mindless discussions about anything else as well! ^_^) Enjoy, and domo arigatou for visiting! ^_^

Shinamori Aoshi

Seta Soujiro


The Kenshin Gumi

Assorted bad guys



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My Obligation

And yes, dear visitors, one must give credit where it's due, set a good example, I took all the graphics on my page (though altered slightly by me according to my preferences) by Miz Kitty of Full Moon ROCKS, people, WONDERFUL for great graphics! ^_^ I LIKE!